When was the last time you went for an eye exam? Typically, most people will only go for eye examinations when the need arises. If their eyes don't hurt or can see clearly, most people will rarely visit an optometrist or eye doctor.
Is a Routine Eye Examination Necessary?
Optometrists will always recommend annual eye examinations. It might increase your eye-care costs, but it can help detect eye problems and other issues early.
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Have you been rubbing your eyes a lot? Do you strain to see at night? You might dismiss some of these signs as minor issues, but they may indicate deep underlying eye problems that should be dealt with without delay. According to Vision Impact Institute, 80% of all visual impairment cases could have been cured or avoided with early detection. Below are the top signs you need an eye exam.
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An eye cataract starts developing whenever proteins that accumulate in your eye start forming clumps. These clumps inhibit your ability to see properly since no images appear on the retina. If they do, they aren't very clear. The retina is the section of your eye that uses light to form images, which are then sent as signals to your brain through the optic nerve.
At first, the cataract seems like a harmless spot in your eye until it slowly becomes an obstacle for clear vision.
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Cataract surgery can dramatically improve your vision and help you live a more fulfilling life. While recovering from this procedure is fairly easy, you still have to take certain precautions to ensure a good outcome. Here are a few useful tips to recover from this surgery.
Avoid Driving
After your cataract surgery, you will not be allowed to drive for at least 24 hours. Arrange for a family member or friend to drive you home after your procedure.
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If you have a blocked or clogged tear duct, it can cause an issue such as an infection, swelling, redness, discharge, or even problems seeing. A blocked/clogged duct can occur due to a number of different things. Read on for signs of a clogged tear duct, causes of a blockage, and what you can do about it.
What Is A Blocked Tear Duct?
A blocked tear duct is when the drainage area of the eye that tears come out of becomes clogged.
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